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Islam trip to Malaysia

belief in one God

belief in Angels

belief in prophets of God

belief in revealed books of God

belief in day of judment

belief in Destiny and Divine Decree

Muslim belive that God knowledge is complete and nothing happens without his full knowledge, althought believers are given free well this belief helps them through difficult times.

An unseen creatures created by God to work in fully obedience all time with different job for each group of them. They surround us all time, specially the ones who record our deeds day by day.

Muslim belive that this world will come to an end in one day. Each person will be judged according to his belief in Allah  and deeds, and according to that people will be either sent to heaven or hell. 

It is the most important islamic teaching of all. muslims believe that only Allah is worshipped and served. on the other hand it is a sin for muslims to worship any god but allah and it is an unforgivable one, unless Allah decide to forgive the sinner.

All muslims believes that Allah spread his wisdom and instructions through books along with the prophets. Psalms, Torah and the gospel, however original copies of  these books got disorted or lost Qura'an remained safe till our day today.

Muslim believe that Allah [ God] has communicated with the humanity through time with prophets from Adam, Noad,Ibrahim,Moses, Jesus and lastly Mohammad peace be upon him. All sharing the same message : only Allah worth to  be worshiped and supplicated  

As Islam spread in the 13th century A.D., the centre of islam  moved to the Malabar coast, especially in the West and Bengal in the East.The Gujerat and Bengali merchants drew large numbers of converts in the ports. Once Islam had set among the rulers and chiefs they set their seal of authority on the new faith, then it became acceptable to the common people. In addition to trade islam spread by social contact as in marriages between aristocracies of different kingdoms which spread the faith even further.

 The first physical evidence of the arrival of Islam in the malay peninsula was found at the Trengganu river. A stone inscribed with Arabic letters has been found, dating as far back as 1386 or probably 1326 A.D. This evidence of the existence of Islam in Malaysia's east coast perhaps initiated the theory that Islam came to Malaysia through China.






Near the 14th century while Islam was spreading in with the prospering Indian trade.A new and powerful Malay kingdom and empire was taking shape- Melaka. the rapid rise of the  commercial port of call during the first quarter of the 15th century, Malacca became the spearhead of the further advance of Islam spreading Islam to the ports of Java and Borneo and from there it was spread even further eastward as far as the Moluccas.

Unknown Track - Unknown Artist

From whencesoever Thou startest forth, turn Thy face in the direction of the sacred Mosque; that is indeed the truth from the Lord. And Allah is not unmindful of what ye do. So from whencesoever Thou startest forth, turn Thy face in the direction of the sacred Mosque; and wheresoever ye are, Turn your face thither: that there be no ground of dispute against you among the people, except those of them that are bent on wickedness; so fear them not, but fear Me; and that I may complete My favours on you, and ye May (consent to) be guided;

—Qur'an, sura 2 (Al-Baqara), ayat 149 - 150

The vedio above show case how prayer [ salat ] effects possitively in our brain and body energy. the vedio is from an arabic show named khawater- thoughts- by Ahmad Al-Shuqairi. Please make sure to turn on the subtitles for english language translation.

Muslims pray every day five times at different timings. those timings are determined by the position of the sun in the sky. muslim pray at Dawn, Noon, after noon, sun set and night. muslims are reminded with their prayer by a call named Adhan - أذان - from the minarat of the mosques .


press play below to hear the Adhan !

Unknown Track - Unknown Artist

 Step 1 :  Perform purification - Wudu.  


Step 2 : Maintain a clean space for performing salat - prayer.

 Step 3: face the direction of the Qibla and dress properly.


Step 4: Make intention to pray in your heart not verbally.

 Step 5: Perform as much prayer round as needed in that particular time.  


Step 6: say the doua of after prayer.

The Muslim Way of Life- Methods followed

Anatomey of Muslim heart

The Goal 

The Way

The Guidance Sources

Depends on  following a group of logical laws and manners, In order humanity don’t corrupt any kind of creation that Allah put in our universe  ,maintain balance between powers – heart vs. mind – within us so no imbalance occurs and to be good muslim 

The ultimate goal for every muslim in this world is to enter Jannat ( Heaven) after their works in life are observed by Allah on Day of judgment. 

An Islamic sacred book, believed to be the word of God as dictated to Muhammad by the archangel Gabriel and written down in Arabic. It mentions  aspects of human existence,matters of doctrine, social organization, and legislation


Impact of prayer on

human body and brain

 The way of life prescribed as normative for Muslims on the basis of the teachings and practices of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and interpretations of the Quran.

   A collection of traditions containing sayings of the prophet Muhammad which, with accounts of his daily practice (the Sunna), constitute the major source of guidance for Muslims apart from the Koran.

Qibla & prayer time for muslims

Performing animal sacrifice

Visiting Sick

Picking up harmful items from the road

Planting Trees

Smile is an act of charity

Having good intentions

Steps of Salat  

Faith or belief in the Oneness of God and the finality of the prophethood of Muhammad

A combination of verbal sayings mostly from Qura'an and internal feelings. It's performed 5 time daily

During the month of ramadan muslims are required to fast by refraining from food, drink, sexual intercourse and smoking. 

Giving away 2.5% of annual accumilated wealth to the poor to ensure an even distribution within the muslim community.

A physical and spiritual journey muslims make to the holy city of Makkah which located in Saudi Arabia, it is required from every financialy and physically able muslim.

The Muslim Way of Life- Practices 

Muslim prayer / Salat 

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